학회소식         공지사항

DigiCon-23 국제학술대회(2023 International Conference on Digital Contents: AICoM (AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies) 안내

DigiCon-23 국제학술대회(2023 International Conference on Digital Contents: AICoM (AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies) 안내

1) 국제학술대회명(Title) : 2023 International Conference on Digital Contents: AICoM (AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies (DigiCon-23)

2) 학술대회 장소(Location) : 제주 부영호텔리조트(Booyoung Jeju Hotel & Resort, Korea)
3) 학술대회 일자(Dates) : 2023년 12월 18일(월) ~ 12월 20일(수) (December 18 ~ December 20 2023)
4) 논문제출 마감(Submission Due) : 2023년 12월 4일(월)(December 4, 2023)

자세한 안내는 국제학술대회 홈페이지에서 확인 바랍니다. (https://www.dcon.kr/)
논문양식 첨부드리며 문의사항은 dcs@dcs.or.kr 로 메일주시기 바랍니다.

Edas를 활용한 등록비 납부가 어려우신 경우, 학회 계좌송금이 가능합니다. 하단의 등록비(KRW)와 계좌 정보를 참고하시어 등록하시기 바랍니다.

첨부 1 : CFP파일
첨부 2 : 논문양식(Paper_Format)

2023 International Conference on Digital Contents:
AICoM (AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies
Booyoung Jeju Hotel & Resort, December 18 ~ December 20 2023, Jeju, Korea

Important Dates
- Submission deadline : December 4, 2023
- Acceptance notification : December 7, 2023
- Author registration due : December 13, 2023
- Camera-ready Due : December 13, 2023
- Conference dates : December 18 ~ 20, 2023


The Conference Registration at EDAS system :  https://edas.info/r31168 

Authors Registration
DCS Member : USD 400
DigiCon-23 Chair : USD 300
Non-member : USD 450
Participants Attending Online Only : USD 250
Special Author Registration :  USD 700 (This registration includes a K-DCS life membership fee.)

Non-Authors Participation
Non-Authors Participation Registration : USD 250
Non-Authors Late(On-site Registration) :USD 400
Non-Authors Industry(On-site Registration) : USD 800 (This registration includes a K-DCS life membership fee.)

for the details information, please refer to the DigiCon-23 website. : (https://www.dcon.kr/)

- Korean domestic wire transfer information -
우리은행  1005-504-315334  (사)한국디지털콘텐츠학회

Registration fee in KRW
Author Registration

Non-member : KRW 580,000

K-DCS member : KRW 520,000

K-DCS student member : KRW 320,000

DigiCon-23 Committee or TPC member : KRW 390,000

Special Author Registration : KRW 910,000 (This registration includes a K-DCS life membership fee.)

Non-Author Early Registration (no later than 5 December 2023)

Regular Participation Registration : KRW 320,000

K-DCS member Participation Registration : KRW 260,000

K-DCS student member Participation Registration : KRW 190,000

Special Participation Registration : KRW 710,000 (This registration includes a K-DCS life membership fee.)

Regular / On-site Registration

Regular / On-site Registration : KRW 520,000

Industry Liaison Registration : KRW 1,000,000 (The Industry Liaison Registration includes 1-night accommodation.)

The International Conference on Digital Contents: AICoM(AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies (DigiCon-23) will be held in Booyoung Jeju Hotel & Resort, Korea, December 18 - December 20, 2023.
